Some other titles that have been added include Squadron Supreme, Star Comics, The ‘Nam, Women of Marvel, the New Universe books, JLA/Avengers, various inter-company crossovers, more anthology and “Best of” trades and hardcovers, a handful of upcoming trades, and well over a hundred original graphic novels. I’ve added new links and information about out-of-print versions of many trades and OGNs, and I’ve also updated and corrected the annotations for too many books to even begin to list. I owe a big debt to Ian at Trade Reading Order for his help in pointing out several resources that contained details on many of the books I was missing.
The next step is to go through the years 1984-2004 one last time to add a few other things I missed (I should add some information on the original Age of Apocalypse and Onslaught trades, for example). Once that’s through, the updates should come a bit more fast and furious. The next update will finish up the 1980s by adding the first few years of the decade, as well as add some post-“Avengers Disassembled” material, probably up to the “House of M” crossover.
As always, if you have thoughts or suggestions (and especially if you spot any errors!), feel free to leave a comment or send me an email at marveltimeline@gmail.com. Thanks for stopping by!
If you owe any debt, it's one entirely mirrored by my debt to you for help with the dynamic list!
ReplyDeleteGreat work, Marc!
Thanks, Marc! Again, I owe you big time. Since I just advanced into the post-disassembled-era, I am hyped for the next update.