Artists: George Pérez, Carlos Pacheco
Collects: Avengers #1-11, Avengers/Squadron Supreme ’98 (1998)
Published: Marvel, 2004; $29.99 (HC), $34.99 (TPB)
Avengers Assemble, Vol. 1 collects the first eleven issues of the series’ 1998 reboot, which began the same month as the Iron Man reboot and the month after Captain America’s. Writer Kurt Busiek had been working in comics for over a decade at this point, but had really only gained wider recognition in 1994 with the epic miniseries Marvels, illustrated by Alex Ross. Still, he was fairly untested when it came to the ins and outs of writing a major monthly series, and it was on Avengers that he got his first shot. (While it’s true that Busiek was writing Thunderbolts at this time as well, I would argue that it hadn’t yet exploded into the hugely popular series it would later become.)
The other major creative force behind the relaunch was George Pérez, one of the true modern masters of comic book art. Pérez is probably best known for his work on the 1984 DC miniseries Crisis on Infinite Earths, in which he famously rendered almost every single one of the company’s enormous pantheon of characters. Whereas most artists would likely balk at the thought of drawing so many different characters in a single issue, Pérez does so with enthusiasm and aplomb. In Avengers, it’s not at all uncommon for him to cram dozens of characters into as many as twenty panels on one page, and in a way that, amazingly enough, keeps the action flowing smoothly and at breathtaking speed. His artwork is so dense, in fact, that a single page of his can look incredibly daunting when viewed as a whole – but taken piece by piece, each panel becomes a totally comprehensible, self-contained work of art in its own right.
The first three issues see the reformation of the Avengers, who had disbanded while most of the team was trapped in the alternate Heroes Reborn universe. As always, they unite to face a common threat – this time it’s the sorceress Morgan Le Fay, who captures the Scarlet Witch and uses her magic-based powers to remakes reality as a medieval society under her own rule. This gives Pérez the chance to do what he does best, drawing tons of characters and designing brand-new, medieval-themed costumes for each of them.
The team is whittled down to a permanent – and, in the long term, much more manageable – roster in the next issue. The team consists of Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, the Scarlet Witch, Warbird (Carol Danvers, also known as Ms. Marvel and Binary), reserve members Justice and Firestar of the teenage New Warriors, and the Vision (whose android body has been destroyed, so he exists only as a sentient hologram in the mansion). From the beginning, the character drama takes precedence over the Avengers’ actual exploits as a team, and Busiek executes this side of the story perfectly.
Most of the melodrama revolves around the team’s lesser characters – after all, the “Big Three” each have their own ongoing series already. The most important subplot is the Scarlet Witch’s inner conflict over her sudden ability to resurrect Wonder Man from the dead in times of need. Since the Vision’s thought patterns and personality are actually based on Wonder Man’s, an interesting conflict arises as Wanda develops romantic feelings for the dead Avenger: Vision is alive and in love with her, but he can’t touch her, while Wonder Man is dead and he can. (I think it’s worth mentioning that the Scarlet Witch has incredibly strange taste in men: her first husband was a robot who somehow conceived children with her, and here she’s in love with a dead man made out of pure energy. And then there’s the borderline-incestuous relationship some writers have portrayed between her and Quicksilver, her brother...but let’s not even go there.)
Ms. Marvel (sorry, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to call her “Warbird”) is a huge source of drama too, at least for the book’s first half. Over the first few issues, it becomes increasingly apparent that something is really wrong with her; the cosmic-oriented powers she possessed as Binary have suddenly stopped working, and she almost always seems to be drinking. This leads into the “Live Kree or Die” crossover discussed in last week’s review of Iron Man: Deadly Solutions. While that book collects only the first issue of that story, Avengers Assemble collects just the last one. This isn’t nearly as detrimental as it might sound, since Busiek does a great job of summarizing what has happened in the other three parts, although reading the fourth part by itself, you still certainly feel as though you’re missing some of the story. There’s more to be said about “Live Kree or Die,” but I’ll save that for my review later this week of Avengers: Supreme Justice, the only trade in which parts two and three have ever been collected.
The final issues bring some closure to Wanda’s mysterious ability to resurrect Wonder Man while at the same time telling a story very much like Blackest Night, in a thematic sense at least, only it does so much more succinctly and coherently. I won’t spoil how it ends, but it does bring about some pretty big changes which I look forward to seeing play out in the next volume.
Also included in the first Avengers Assemble collection is the 1998 Avengers/Squadron Supreme Annual, which is co-scripted by Busiek and Len Kaminski. This done-in-one story builds off of the two issues just prior to “Live Kree or Die,” in which the Avengers and the Squadron Supreme duke it out when the Squadron manages (for what must be the hundredth time) to get itself mind-controlled by a totally inconsequential villain. The two teams actually work together in the Annual, which is a welcome change, since by this point I was fairly tired of seeing them fight for no good reason. Aside from Mark Gruenwald’s miniseries in the 1980s and J.M. Straczynski’s reimagining of the team in the 2000s, I’ve never been a big fan of the Squadron, and the average quality to this story didn’t do much to change my mind. The art is by Carlos Pacheco, an excellent artist in his own right who nevertheless pales in comparison to Pérez. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad story at all; it just doesn’t match the same level of excellence as the rest of the book.
Avengers Assemble was originally published as an oversized hardcover, and although it’s out of print now, it’s still pretty easy to find online. On the other hand, if you’d prefer to wait and pay a bit less for it, Marvel is printing a new softcover version in just a few months. The pages won’t be oversized like they are in the hardcover, which is unfortunate, but I’m sure Pérez’s artwork will still look amazing even at standard size. Either way, as the start of what can easily be called the definitive Avengers run of the last two decades, the first volume of Avengers Assemble is a book wholly deserving of a place on your bookshelf.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
First off George Perez is THE man. He is one HELL of an artist.
ReplyDeleteSir, you are a damn good reviewer. Lol. I've always had my curiousity about the Avengers and kind of wanted to get into it since I hear so much about it, but what you said "the fact that it’s a team whose ranks include an overwhelming number of no-name characters – and it turns that into something fun and almost self-effacing by throwing every single person who’s ever been an Avenger into one big adventure" defnitely has my eyes open and mind wanting to read this.
This is definitely a convincing review. So nice work Marc. I may have to look into getting this. Especially knowing George Perez has something to do with the art.
Thanks, Falisha! I was a latecomer to the Avengers myself, mostly because I was intimidated by the number of characters on the team I'd never heard of, so I know exactly where you're coming from. The great thing about this book is that it's the perfect place to start if you're unfamiliar with the franchise, or even if you're already fan and you just want to see all of your favorite Avengers together in one big story. There really is something for everyone in this book, so I think you'll enjoy it a lot.
ReplyDeleteWonderful review Marc. Funny thing is when I started I thought man this is a long review, but it went by so quick haha. I loved you mentioning how George Perez is one of those artists that jumps at the opportunity to draw a bunch of characters, and you posting that page with Beast wondering what they can do with 39 members was epic. Once again, fantastic review bro. Looking forward to this Friday's as well.
ReplyDeleteFunny you should say that about the length of the review, because that's exactly how I felt when I started reading this book! At over 300 pages, it's a pretty meaty collection, but it goes by at a good pace once you get into it. As you can tell from the pages I posted, that's not because the story is decompressed at all (far from it, in fact), but because there's always something going on, which keeps things really engaging.
ReplyDeleteWhat's this?!? A BONUS review here at “With Great Power...”??? Well my night is officially made! :-)
ReplyDelete"First off George Perez is THE man." Amen!
Great review Marc, I LOVED these early issues of this Avengers series. I think these were the comics that made me into a "proper" Avengers fan. I'd always been a Cap fan, and I LOVED the West Coast Avengers, but the older Avengers comics never really grabbed me. These were the issues that change all of that though. I'll DEFINITELY be looking forward to seeing what you thought about the Live Kree or Die story, because I don't think I've ever read the first part of that(which was in Iron Man... I think...). As always, awesomely in depth work, Marc. Can't wait for the next review.
I'm glad you liked the "bonus" review, X-Man! These issues changed my perspective on the Avengers the first time I read them as well. Actually, the original draft of this review had more about my personal history of reading the Avengers, but I trimmed most of it out since it was already running long. But I'm sure it will show up in one form or another in a future review at some point (not that anyone probably cares all that much, haha).
ReplyDeleteThe first part of "Live Kree or Die" was indeed in Iron Man #7, which I talked about a bit in my review of Iron Man: Deadly Solutions last week. So for anyone who just can't wait to hear my thoughts on that crossover (a statement I doubt actually applies to anyone), feel free to check that out. I'll be focusing more on the middle two parts and the story as a whole on Friday.
Great review, sir! It's funny; your diction surpasses many of the academic articles I've read for school. I'm afraid I've never ventured into Avenger territory, but this review has certainly encouraged me to take a closer look. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Grim Jim, that's a wonderful compliment and I really appreciate it! You know, it never surprises me when even longtime comic readers say they just haven't gotten much into the Avengers; there's something about them that seems a bit impenetrable, almost like a special club that you need a secret password to join. And if that truly is the case, then I firmly believe this book to be that password.
ReplyDeleteAwesome review! This series with this creative team was monthly gold in print. Right from the first person Cap chose to wake up in 'medieval world' I knew the book was in good hands...
ReplyDeleteHopefully this kind of shine will return to the Avengers books!
Hey Dan, thanks for stopping by! I agree, Cap's decision was a great moment...the first of many great moments in this series! I would love to see some of the prestige and gravitas of the Avengers from this period return to today's comics, although I'm not sure how it could happen without a major shift in creative direction. We can always hope, though!